Planning Maintenance Activities with Data Analytics

Herzliche Einladung zu unserem Live-Webinar im Rahmen der Industry Days vom 21. bis 22. April 2020:

Modern production sites collect huge amounts of data - from sensor data like speed or vibration to environmental information like the current ambient temperature. Linking these data together and analyzing them by means of intelligent algorithms allows for data-based predictions on conditions. This helps to detect occurring malfunctions at an early stage so that upcoming maintenance activities can be coordinated and downtimes avoided.

We present an application of this approach to wind turbine data, which supports maintenance decisions proactively, and discuss insights and success factors.

Sprecher: Dr. Thomas Christ, Chief Data Scientist, prognostica GmbH

Datum: 22. April 2020

Zeit: 11:00 - 11:30 CEST

Stichwörter: Predictive maintenance; Data analytics; Sensor data; Big data; Multivariate monitoring; Condition monitoring

Sprache: Englisch

Registrierung: zur Website des industrial generation network

Vorheriger Eintrag: DiMitEx: prognostica auf der virtuellen Messe
Nächster Eintrag: DIGITAL FUTUREcongress: prognostica auf dem virtuellen Kongress


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