News Items
Innovations made in Würzburg - with prognostica!

“Innovations made in Würzburg” provides a platform for founders in Würzburg. The three Würzburg start-up centers Zentrum für Digitale Innovationen (ZDI) Mainfranken, Innovations- und Gründerzentrum (IGZ) Würzburg und Technologie- und Gründerzentrum (TGZ) Würzburg have invited us to be represented at the virtual event. We are looking forward to many exciting discussions, and are proud of the local innovative strength!

previous item: Discovery Journey: Your Discovery Journey to your data science solution
next item: At the LogiMAT in Stuttgart from 31.05. until 02.06.2022


prognostica GmbH
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P: +49 931 497 386 0

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